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Battle of the Books 2024

Battle of the Books, a reading-enrichment program sponsored by Baldwin Public Library, aims to promote reading among fourth and fifth-grade BPS students. To participate, students collaborate with an adult coach and select five books from a designated list. They will then engage in a contest where they will compete against other teams by answering trivia questions related to the books they have read.

The event itself will occur on March 9 at 10 a.m. at Wylie E. Groves High School.

Key Dates
Monday, Dec. 4 Kickoff & book titles announced
Monday, Feb. 12 Team registration opens
Sunday, March 3 Team registration closes
Saturday, March 9 Battle Day
Author Book Breaks

The Birmingham Education Foundation (BEF) has awarded all BPS elementary schools a grant to provide book breaks to our students. This program features virtual author visits where students can hear from world renown authors, submit questions for the authors and engage with English language arts curriculum in new ways.

Fall Author Talks

Spring Author Talks